Drishyam 2: The Resumption, or simply Drishyam 2, is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language drama thriller film written and directed by Jeethu Joseph and...
Black Coffee is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language comedy-drama film directed by Baburaj and produced by Sajesh Manjeri Story plot of malayalam movie Black coffee Following...
Saajan Bakery Since 1962[1][2] is an Indian Malayalam-language family drama directed by Arun Chandu. Starring Aju Varghese,[3][4][5]K.B.Ganesh Kumar, Lena, Ranjita Menon and Grace Antony. the film...
Operation Java is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language cybercrime thriller film produced by V Cinemas International, written and directed by Tharun Moorthy (in...
Vellam (lit. ’Water’) is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language biographicalsurvivaldrama film written and directed by Prajesh Sen.[1] It features Jayasurya and Samyuktha Menon in lead roles with Siddique, Sreelakshmi, Santhosh Keezhattoor, Johny Antony in...
The Great Indian Kitchen is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-languagedrama film written and directed by Jeo Baby.[1] The film tells the story of...
Confessions of a Cuckoo is 2021 Malayalam drama film directed by Jay Jithin Prakash starring Nehrin Navas, Prarthana Sandeep and Durga...
Guardian is a Malayalam thriller film, directed by Satheesh Paul and starring Saiju Kurup and Miya George Story plot of...
Song: KaminiMovie: Anugraheethan Antony (2020)Singer(s): Harisankar KSMusic : Arun MuraleedharanLyricist(s): Manu Manjith Kamini.. roopini..Kamini.. roopini… sheelavathi.. Penne...
Singer : Shahabaz Aman Lyrics : Anwar Ali Composed and arranged: Sushin Shyam Movie : Malik malayalam...