Aaha is a 2021 Malayalam-language sports drama film directed by Bibin Paul Samuel. Produced by Prem Abraham under the banner...
Kurup is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language crime thriller film[5][6] written by K. S. Aravind, Jithin K. Jose and Daniel Sayooj Nair...
Kanakam Kaamini Kalaham is a 2021 Indian, Multilingual–language, family drama film written and directed by Ratheesh Balakrishnan Poduval which uses satire-comedies as well...
Home (stylised as #Home) is an Indian Malayalam-language comedy drama film directed and written by Rojin Thomas.[2] The film stars Indrans and Sreenath Bhasi in the lead roles...
Kuruthi (transl. Ritual slaughter) is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language social survival-thriller film directed by Manu Warrier, written by Anish Pallyal, and produced by Supriya...
Santhoshathinte Onnam Rahasyam (English: The first secret of happiness) is a 2021 Malayalam film directed by Don Palathara starring Rima Kallingal and Jithin Punthenchery.[1] The...
Sara’s is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language romantic comedy film directed by Jude Anthany Joseph and written by Akshay Hareesh, starring Anna Ben and Sunny Wayne in lead...
Cheraathukal (transl. Clay Lamps) is a 2021 Indian Malayalam-language anthology film, which has six stories, each painting different shades of love....